Thursday, September 2, 2010

25 Things I'm Terrible At

A few weeks ago, I compiled a list of 25 Things I’m Awesome At.  In the process, I thought of hundreds of things I’m not so awesome at.  I didn’t want to overwhelm you with my shortcomings, so I cut it down to 25.

1.) Dancing
2.) Walking in high heels
3.) Looking on the bright side
4.) Making presentations
5.) Playing basketball
6.) Remaining calm on airplanes
7.) Keeping secrets
8.) Waking up early
9.) Touching my toes
10.) Answering trivia
11.) Having a sense of style
12.) Acting my age
13.) Climbing ropes and/or doing push-ups
14.) Managing my 401k
15.) Feigning excitement
16.) Making small talk
17.) Handling rejection
18.) Remembering names
19.) Being patient
20.) Singing
21.) Driving
22.) Avoiding sunburns
23.) Making a good first impression
24.) Using my time wisely
25.) Getting blog followers

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jami,

    You seem *almost* as surly as I am. I'm afraid I the cake as I'm 40 without any sort of career direction, and sans the screenwriting connection. But I've never actually wrote out my list of things I'm terrible at, although I mentally compile it daily. Just wanted to let you know I'm enjoying reading your posts. I suck at self-promotion (not #1 on my list but it would be up there) but do have blogs missing recent entries. They are: and Still a lot to figure out about blogging, which is new to me.

    Could relate to your thoughts about teaching--that was my last job.

    Keep up the writing, and listen to Sedaris' latest on audio if you can--it's so funny.

    Best to you,
